Post Carousel Blocks

Thumbnail Aspect Ratio

All full post blocks can have different aspect ratio for the post thumbnails: portrait, landscape, square or original.

Number Of Slides

Easily change number of slides in the carousel. The “Post Carousel” block supports 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 visible slides.

Automatic Image Size

The theme will detect the required image size automatically depending on the page layout. You may also specify the image size manually.

Post Meta

Easily toggle post meta for each block. Select between category, date, author, post views, shares, comments and reading time.

Heading Size

Set a custom heading size for each post block in the block settings.

Query Filters & Order

Set query filters to display posts by category, tag, specific posts, and post formats. Order posts by date or views, or even set a timeframe for posts.

Avoid Duplicate Posts

Avoid duplicate posts in multiple post blocks by enabling the feature with a single click.


Change all colors on the per-block basis: headings, excerpt, buttons, including the default and hover states.

Four Columns Fullwidth